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Congrats! This is the final ranking for
US Presidents
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Ranked List:
1. Ronald Reagan 2. Abraham Lincoln 3. Donald Trump 4. Franklin D. Roosevelt 5. John F. Kennedy 6. Richard Nixon 7. Barack Obama 8. Theodore Roosevelt 9. Thomas Jefferson 10. Ulysses S. Grant 11. Dwight D. Eisenhower 12. James A. Garfield 13. Andrew Jackson 14. John Tyler 15. George Washington 16. Herbert Hoover 17. Woodrow Wilson 18. Calvin Coolidge 19. Grover Cleveland 20. William McKinley 21. George W. Bush 22. Lyndon B. Johnson 23. Gerald Ford 24. John Quincy Adams 25. Jimmy Carter 26. William Howard Taft 27. Chester A. Arthur 28. Harry S. Truman 29. William Henry Harrison 30. Franklin Pierce 31. James K. Polk 32. Bill Clinton 33. George H. W. Bush 34. James Monroe 35. Martin Van Buren 36. John Adams 37. Rutherford B. Hayes 38. James Madison 39. Warren G. Harding 40. Zachary Taylor 41. Benjamin Harrison 42. Andrew Johnson 43. Millard Fillmore 44. James Buchanan
Your Comparisons:
Zachary Taylor > Benjamin Harrison George W. Bush > Benjamin Harrison George W. Bush > Zachary Taylor Abraham Lincoln > Zachary Taylor Abraham Lincoln > George W. Bush George W. Bush > James Madison James Madison > Zachary Taylor Franklin D. Roosevelt > James Madison Abraham Lincoln > Franklin D. Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt > George W. Bush George W. Bush > William Howard Taft William Howard Taft > Zachary Taylor William Howard Taft > James Madison Dwight D. Eisenhower > William Howard Taft Franklin D. Roosevelt > Dwight D. Eisenhower Dwight D. Eisenhower > George W. Bush William McKinley > George W. Bush Franklin D. Roosevelt > William McKinley Dwight D. Eisenhower > William McKinley George W. Bush > Millard Fillmore James Madison > Millard Fillmore Zachary Taylor > Millard Fillmore Benjamin Harrison > Millard Fillmore George W. Bush > Rutherford B. Hayes Rutherford B. Hayes > Zachary Taylor William Howard Taft > Rutherford B. Hayes Rutherford B. Hayes > James Madison William Howard Taft > James Buchanan Zachary Taylor > James Buchanan Benjamin Harrison > James Buchanan Millard Fillmore > James Buchanan Calvin Coolidge > William Howard Taft Dwight D. Eisenhower > Calvin Coolidge Calvin Coolidge > William McKinley Richard Nixon > William Howard Taft Richard Nixon > Dwight D. Eisenhower Abraham Lincoln > Richard Nixon Franklin D. Roosevelt > Richard Nixon Herbert Hoover > George W. Bush Richard Nixon > Herbert Hoover Herbert Hoover > Calvin Coolidge Dwight D. Eisenhower > Herbert Hoover George W. Bush > James Monroe James Monroe > Zachary Taylor James Monroe > Rutherford B. Hayes William Howard Taft > James Monroe Thomas Jefferson > George W. Bush Thomas Jefferson > Dwight D. Eisenhower Franklin D. Roosevelt > Thomas Jefferson Richard Nixon > Thomas Jefferson George W. Bush > Andrew Johnson James Madison > Andrew Johnson Benjamin Harrison > Andrew Johnson Andrew Johnson > Millard Fillmore George W. Bush > Warren G. Harding Warren G. Harding > Zachary Taylor James Monroe > Warren G. Harding Rutherford B. Hayes > Warren G. Harding James Madison > Warren G. Harding Barack Obama > William Howard Taft Barack Obama > Dwight D. Eisenhower Franklin D. Roosevelt > Barack Obama Richard Nixon > Barack Obama Barack Obama > Thomas Jefferson Ronald Reagan > George W. Bush Ronald Reagan > Thomas Jefferson Ronald Reagan > Franklin D. Roosevelt Ronald Reagan > Abraham Lincoln George W. Bush > Harry S. Truman Harry S. Truman > Warren G. Harding Harry S. Truman > James Monroe William Howard Taft > Harry S. Truman Donald Trump > Woodrow Wilson Donald Trump > Martin Van Buren Woodrow Wilson > Martin Van Buren Woodrow Wilson > John Adams Martin Van Buren > John Adams Woodrow Wilson > Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter > Martin Van Buren George Washington > Jimmy Carter Donald Trump > George Washington George Washington > Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson > James K. Polk James K. Polk > Martin Van Buren Jimmy Carter > James K. Polk John Quincy Adams > Jimmy Carter George Washington > John Quincy Adams Woodrow Wilson > John Quincy Adams John Quincy Adams > George H. W. Bush James K. Polk > George H. W. Bush George H. W. Bush > Martin Van Buren Theodore Roosevelt > Jimmy Carter Theodore Roosevelt > George Washington Donald Trump > Theodore Roosevelt John Tyler > John Quincy Adams Theodore Roosevelt > John Tyler John Tyler > George Washington Andrew Jackson > John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson > John Tyler Donald Trump > Andrew Jackson Theodore Roosevelt > Andrew Jackson Woodrow Wilson > Bill Clinton James K. Polk > Bill Clinton Bill Clinton > Martin Van Buren Bill Clinton > George H. W. Bush James A. Garfield > John Quincy Adams James A. Garfield > Andrew Jackson Donald Trump > James A. Garfield Theodore Roosevelt > James A. Garfield Woodrow Wilson > Franklin Pierce Franklin Pierce > Bill Clinton Jimmy Carter > Franklin Pierce Franklin Pierce > James K. Polk Lyndon B. Johnson > John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson > Lyndon B. Johnson George Washington > Lyndon B. Johnson Woodrow Wilson > Lyndon B. Johnson Lyndon B. Johnson > William Henry Harrison William Henry Harrison > James K. Polk Jimmy Carter > William Henry Harrison William Henry Harrison > Franklin Pierce John Quincy Adams > Chester A. Arthur Chester A. Arthur > James K. Polk Chester A. Arthur > William Henry Harrison Jimmy Carter > Chester A. Arthur Gerald Ford > John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson > Gerald Ford George Washington > Gerald Ford Woodrow Wilson > Gerald Ford Lyndon B. Johnson > Gerald Ford John F. Kennedy > John Quincy Adams John F. Kennedy > John Tyler John F. Kennedy > Theodore Roosevelt Donald Trump > John F. Kennedy Grover Cleveland > Gerald Ford Andrew Jackson > Grover Cleveland George Washington > Grover Cleveland Woodrow Wilson > Grover Cleveland Grover Cleveland > Lyndon B. Johnson Ulysses S. Grant > Gerald Ford Ulysses S. Grant > Andrew Jackson John F. Kennedy > Ulysses S. Grant Theodore Roosevelt > Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses S. Grant > James A. Garfield John Adams > James Buchanan John Adams > Millard Fillmore John Adams > Benjamin Harrison John Adams > Rutherford B. Hayes Dwight D. Eisenhower > John Adams George W. Bush > John Adams Harry S. Truman > John Adams James Monroe > John Adams Ronald Reagan > Donald Trump James Monroe > Martin Van Buren George H. W. Bush > James Monroe Harry S. Truman > George H. W. Bush Harry S. Truman > Bill Clinton Harry S. Truman > James K. Polk Harry S. Truman > Franklin Pierce Harry S. Truman > William Henry Harrison Chester A. Arthur > Harry S. Truman William Howard Taft > Chester A. Arthur Jimmy Carter > William Howard Taft George W. Bush > Jimmy Carter George W. Bush > John Quincy Adams George W. Bush > Gerald Ford George W. Bush > Lyndon B. Johnson Grover Cleveland > George W. Bush Grover Cleveland > William McKinley Calvin Coolidge > Grover Cleveland Woodrow Wilson > Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover > Woodrow Wilson George Washington > Herbert Hoover Dwight D. Eisenhower > George Washington Dwight D. Eisenhower > John Tyler Dwight D. Eisenhower > Andrew Jackson Dwight D. Eisenhower > James A. Garfield Ulysses S. Grant > Dwight D. Eisenhower Thomas Jefferson > Ulysses S. Grant Theodore Roosevelt > Thomas Jefferson Barack Obama > Theodore Roosevelt John F. Kennedy > Barack Obama John F. Kennedy > Richard Nixon Franklin D. Roosevelt > John F. Kennedy Donald Trump > Franklin D. Roosevelt Abraham Lincoln > Donald Trump